In order to have a fruitful and rewarding Umrah experience, make sure you follow these Dos and Don’ts. Always remain calm and follow the security and convenience systems in place. The following is a simple Umrah Guide with bullet points.
I would like to start this journey with you that you have been blessed to take…
Do’s before you go
- You can prepare yourself physically by walking or jogging 3 -5 days a week, eating well, and sleeping well. Take some extra spiritual steps to prepare yourself mentally by performing Zekr, Duaa, Nawafel, Salat Jama’a, and so on.
- Create a Traveling List, with all the items you will need with you, including medicine, the battery charger for your mobile device, towels, socks, appropriate clothes, shoes…etc.
- Become confident while performing Umrah by reading about its status, rewards, rules, restrictions, Sunnah, Dua’a, places to visit, and stories of Sahabah.
- Be sure you have the necessary vaccinations, make a copy of all the essential documents, and pack some snacks, toiletries, and Dua’a books in your carry-on bag.

Do’s during Umrah
- Perform all your obligations according to the Prophet Muhammad’s Sunnah.
- Make sure you keep your distance. Make sure you maintain a safe distance from others, wear a mask and face shield, and wash and sanitize your hands regularly.
- Make sure you stay hydrated. When performing Umrah, make sure to drink plenty of water. It will be beneficial to carry a little bottle of water with you everywhere.
- Publish a journal. Keeping a journal of your ideas and reflections will be beneficial throughout this spiritual journey. Giving advice to relatives and friends who haven’t visited the holy sites will be helpful when you return.

Do’s after you come back
- Before hosting visitors or paying anyone a visit, get some rest at home.
Don’ts before, during, and after
- Your Umrah is primarily intended to spend time with Allah. Visit the locations where the Prophet Muhammad has been and pray there while you worship and adore Him. To protect your safety, security, and well-being, bear those reasons in mind while you adhere to this straightforward Umrah Guide.
- Avoid getting too tired before you go so that you can exert the necessary effort there.
- Limit your shopping. Although it is always wonderful to bring home a few souvenirs for your relatives and friends, don’t waste your time shopping since this time is intended for other things.
- To get to the Black Stone or the Al Kaaba, don’t push, shove, or crowd people. Maintaining your calm and avoiding any problems are more important.
- Never, ever break away from your group. In case you get lost, always have a card with the leader’s phone number, yours, and the hotel’s information.
- Never let yourself wander. Many visitors have been let down by the surroundings, from the cleanliness to the protracted wait times. You’ll feel better right away if you concentrate on Allah instead of your circumstances.
- Keep this Umrah Guide close by, to finish. Keep your heart and mind open, and never forget that the main goal of your path is to draw nearer to Allah. There is no chance of monetary gain involved. So, insha’Allah, be patient, do good deeds, and you’ll have a wonderful time.
Written By Abubaker.
If you’re planning to embark on a spiritual journey to Mecca for Umrah, you’ll need to secure an Umrah visa before your trip. Our easy-to-use Umrah visa form simplifies the process and helps you obtain your visa quickly and efficiently. Simply fill out the form with your personal and travel information, and we’ll take care of the rest.